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Some Articles by Amy Mindell

The Evolution And Three Branches Of Process Theory, 3rd Edition, August 2016 

Click here to download the article.  

“Bringing Deep Democracy to Life: An Awareness Paradigm for Deepening Political Dialogue, Personal Relationships, and Community Interactions.” Psychotherapy and Politics International, Volume 6, Issue 3, October, 2008, pp. 212-225.

To locate the article to download, look/click here

World Work and the Politics of Dreaming, or Why Dreaming: is Crucial for World Process,  Nov 2007.

 Download the article 2.6MB PDF file

721 Feedback: Text and Pictures elucidating Process oriented Feedback, Supervision, and the Learning Process, 2005   Download the article 4MB Word file

Discovering the World in the Individual; The World Channel in Psychotherapy,” Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 36 No. 3, Summer 1996, 67-84.

Moving the Dreaming Body: Movement in Process Oriented PsychologyContact Quarterly, 1995.

 Download the article. (.pdf file 6.49MB). You’ll need Acrobat Reader if you don’t have this already.

Working with Movement in Process Oriented PsychologyInternationale Zeistschrift fuer Musik-Tanz-und Kunz Therapie, 1989

Die Entdeckung der Welt im Individuum: Der Weltkanal in der Psychotherapie, Transpersonale Psychologie and Psychotherapie Journal, 3. Jahrgang, Heft 2, 1997 pp. 38-52

Also see Amy's articles on Creativity on this website at:

Some Articles by and Interviews with Arnold Mindell

New Developments in Jungian Psychology: Jungian Psychology has a Daughter. Journal of Process Oriented Psychology, Issue 1, Winter 1988. Download the article.

Dreambody : notes on the history and theory of Process Oriented Psychology This article was composed (in German) by the creative spirit of Frau Dr. Annelen Kranefuss from Arny’s various references to the Dreaming Body. This article will appear in the Jung Journal, part of the C. G. Jung Gessellschaft of Colone Germany (  Download the article (47Kb Word file)

Also published in English at: ( Mindell A (2018) Dream Body/Dreambody on the History and Theory of Processor-Oriented Psychology. J Psychol Clin Psychiatry 9(1): 00490. DOI: 10.15406/jpcpy.2018.09.00490)

Jung and Process Work : A Letter to C. G. Jung on his 125th Birthday   Download the letter (Word file)

Yoga Journal, Psychological Perspectives 97, Psychology Today, 1996

“Dream Processes, Body Work and Politics” (in the German language) at the 1996 Basel Psychotherapy Congress. This 1996 lecture attempted to bring together under the one roof of psychotherapy and process oriented psychology, various dimensions of inner and outer life that are normally split off from one another.  Download article (.pdf file; 64Kb).

“Physics, Dreaming, and Extreme States: Arnold Mindell” an Interview with Will Hall, 2011. Listen to this interview here.

Process Work with Addictions, Altered States, and Social Change a lecture given at the 11th International Transpersonal Conference on Spiritual Quest, Attachment and Addiction, September 1990.

Download article (.rtf file; 62Kb).

Life is But a Dream: An Interview with Arnold Mindell. Psychological Perspectives, 1986. (To see a Russian translation of this article, click here. Thanks to Kiril Melamud for his translation.)

Somatic Consciousness. Quadrant, Spring 1981.   Download the article. (.pdf file 22MB). You’ll need Acrobat Reader if you don’t have this already.

Widerstand und Koerper : Uberlegungen aus Jungianischer Sicht. Integrative therapie, 2-3,1981.

 Download article. (.pdf file 8.66 MB). You’ll need Acrobat Reader if you don’t have this already.

All Dreams Come True: Interview with Arnold Mindell . A short interview with Arny that took place in Moscow, Russia about dreams, the dreaming body, body symptoms and more. Источник: © Наша Психология

Interviews with Amy and Arny

“THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR A PSYCHOTHERAPIST IS TO BE YOURSELF.” Interview with Amy and Arny Mindell with The Moscow Psychotherapy Journal 2008 in Russian: «САМОЕ ВАЖНОЕ ДЛЯ ПСИХОТЕРАПЕВТА – БЫТЬ САМИМ СОБОЙ»

Москва, апрель 2008 г. Click here.

See the world wide web for numerous other articles and interviews.