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About Us
Dr. AMY MINDELL is in private therapeutic practice in Portland, Oregon and teaches in many countries in the world. She helped developed process work in the areas of coma, creativity, dance, and facilitator styles.
She holds a M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology and is a diplomate of the Process Oriented Psychology Center of Zurich. She has written many books such as , Metaskills: The Spiritual Art of Therapy, The Dreaming Source of Creativity, Alternative to Therapy and her newest book, Your Unique Facilitator Style, as well as papers in professional journals. Her concept “Metaskills,” which refers to the feeling attitudes or skills in therapy, are at the core of much of her work.. Amy is also an artist, puppet-maker, singer-songwriter, and dancer. Her most recent musical CD is called, First Bloom.
You can follow Amy on Facebook, her YouTube channel, and Instagram.
Photo by Kira Held
Dr. ARNOLD MINDELL, or Arny, is also in private practice in Portland, Oregon, and teaches with Amy around the world. (See degrees and awards below) He is known for his development of the “Dreambody” and “Process Work” (process oriented psychology).
He is the author of 23 books in over 35 languages, including Dreambody, The Shaman’s Body, Quantum Mind, Quantum Mind and Healing, and The Deep Democracy of Open Forums. He is also known in the areas of diversity work and conflict management for his Sitting in the Fire and for his integration of psychology, ecology and physics, for his work on dreams, bodywork, relationships, and for interventions in near death situations. His latest works, ProcessMind, A User’s Guide to The Mind of God and Dance of the Ancient One, bring psychology, physics and spiritual traditions closer to one another. You can follow Arny on Facebook and his YouTube channel.
Amy and Arny are often keynote speakers at international conferences on therapy, psychology, physics, business, organizational change and conflict work and have been on local and international radio and TV in many many countries. Arny has been interviewed by many magazines including Newsweek. Amy and Arny work together as a team, teaching, doing townhall meetings, and working on conflict resolution and organizational development projects for small and large businesses, cities, Aboriginal communities, and governments. They have been resident teachers at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, Ca. Members of Aboriginal Australian, African, Canadian, and US communities as well as quantum physicists, relativity experts, and modern psychologists have applauded Arny and Amy’s trans-disciplinary work. They worked with the United Nation’s UNESCO teaching conflict and open forum facilitation. Amy and Arny have demonstrated their new "721" feedback method for the American Chamber of Commerce.
They are avid researchers, and love skiing, running and hiking. They reside part of the year in Portland Oregon, where they give classes at the Processwork Institute with many other colleagues. They live part of the year on the Oregon coast where they do residential seminars and watch whales. They have traveled around the world to work in many many countries 40 times.
Education, Awards and Affiliations
AMY Mindell
2014 Member of American Group Psychotherapy Association
2013 Amy became Honorary Professor at the Moscow Institute of Psychology and Psychoanalysis, Moscow, Russia. (See picture below)
2008 Amy was awarded the diploma in World Psychotherapy, by the World Council of Psychotherapy’s President in Moscow. (seehttp://www.worldpsyche.org/ for more). The World Council for Psychotherapy is a Non Governmental Organization of the United Nations Organization affiliated to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since May 2003. The Mindells are listed here: http://www.worldpsyche.org/wcpc_holders.
Amy is an associate member of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy.
Amy is a member of the Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology
1988 To Amy and Arny Mindell, The New Dimensions Broadcaster Award, “Casting Seeds in a Wide Arc”, for vision, commitment, and contribution to humanity and the planet, October 17, 1998
Process Work Trainer, 1984-
1991 PhD in Psychology. Union Institute
1985 Masters of Arts, Psychology, Antioch Universit
1984 Diploma in Process Oriented Psychology, Zurich ProcessWork Institute/
1981 BA, Dance and Theater, Antioch College.
Amy & Arny receiving World Psychotherapy Diploma in Moscow 2008
ARNY Mindell
2014 Member of American Group Psychotherapy Association
2012-13 The United States Association of Body Psychotherapy gave Arny the Pioneer Award “honoring the pioneers who laid the foundations for the past and future construction of our body of knowledge and skill.”
2013 Honorary Professor at the Moscow Institute of Psychology and Psychoanalysis, Moscow, Russia.
2010 Arny is named by Stan Grof, “a Pioneer of Transpersonal Psychology”; in “Consciousness Revolution: Transpersonal discoveries that are changing the World,” Russia, July 2010
2008. Arny and Amy–see their picture are being awarded the Diploma in World Psychotherapy, by the President of the World Council of Psychotherapy. (see http://www.worldpsyche.org/ for more). The World Council for Psychotherapy is a Non Governmental Organization of the United Nations Organization affiliated to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since May 2003. The Mindells are listed here:http://www.worldpsyche.org/wcpc_holders
Arny has been an adviser for leaders of several governments, military, and U.N. teams, as well as large corporations including General Motors.
Arny is a clinical member of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy, and the International Association of Process Oriented Psychology.
2005 “Quantum Mind and Healing” was in the top best 10 of four thousand five hundred books on Mind, Body and Spirit in 2005 rated by the independent award judges of New Age Retailer Narcissus Group
Arny is a member of the Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology
Arny was on the Editorial Board of the journal, “Psychotherapy and Politics International.”
1998 The New Dimensions Broadcaster Award, “Casting Seeds in a Wide Arc”, was given to Amy and Arny Mindell for vision, commitment, and contribution to humanity and the planet.”
1996 Gold Medal recipient -Gem of Alternative Medicine/Shiromani (for outstanding contribution in the field of holistic health and education from Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, Calcutta.) Sept 8, 1996
1983 Founder and member of the Research Society for Process Oriented Psychology (in Switzerland and now in 35 countries worldwide)
1980- present Process Work Teacher
1980-present; written 23 books (See publications page)
1977 became a Jungian Training Analyst
1972 PhD. in Psychology, Union Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1968 Chemical physics research for Sulzer Corporation, Winterthur, Switzerland
1965 Speaker at CERN, (Nuclear Physics, Switzerland) on Synchronicity
1964-66 Research: Time Reversibility in Physics, (irreversible, non linear coupled Onsager processes);Physics Department, E.T.H. Zurich,
1964-66 Studied physics, and worked for the Department of Thermodynamics and Combustion Engines, E.T.H Zurich.
1977-85 Jungian Training Analyst
1970 Jungian Analyst (Diploma in Analytical Psychology. Jung Institute, Zurich, Switz.)
1965-present. Therapist and analyst
1964 Master of Science, M.I.T., Applied Physics -Mechanical Engineering, 1964
M.I.T Research on the aerodynamics and biophysics of aquatic wave-like propulsion systems.
1963 Research for Knolls Atomic Power Research Laboratories in upstate New York (worked on electron-gun memory systems)
1962 Sigma Xi, Honorary Society for research in Science and Engineering, 1962
1962 Phi Beta Kappa, Honorary Society for Academic Achievement.
1962 Summa Cum Laude with simultaneous B.S. and B.A degrees in Science and Languages, Union College, Schenectady New York.
Some of the Mindell’s client organizations have been UN IAS (UN’s Institute of Advanced Studies in Yokohamma), US Government, US Military, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, BP (British Petroleum), HP, (Hewlett Packard), GM (General Motors), City of Zurich Switzerland, Nokia, Specialized Hospitals, Association of American Group Psychotherapy, International Jungian Community, other Psychological and Growth organizations, Buddhist organizations, various Universities around the world, as well as Aboriginal communities such as Haida Gwaii in Canada and Amani counseling and Training center, Nairobi Kenya. (This list does not include various Banks and other businesses)
Further Connections and Presentations
From Switzerland to the USA; in 1990 after beginning a process work center in Zurich Forschungs Gemeindschaft fuer Prozess Orientierte Psychologie(www.prozessarbeit.ch) Amy and Arny moved from Switzerland to Portland, Oregon (USA). Together with many friends founded the Process Work
Institute (in Portland).
Professional Status; Arny and Amy belong to the Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology and the international association of process oriented psychology. Process oriented diplomates in Switzerland are insurance-licensed, and accredited in the UK. Amy and Arny were awarded the diploma in World Psychotherapy in 2008, and are associate members of the US Association for Body Psychotherapy.
Jungian Connections. Amy and Arny teach and work for Jung Institutes and Jungian societies worldwide.
Recent Presentations: The names of the recent international conferences where Amy and Arny have been keynote speakers can be found under the News category found on the home page.
Presentations in the early 1990′s. Amy and Arny gave keynotes speeches for the Humanistic Psychology Association, for Transpersonal Psychology Conferences, the Society for Professionals in Dispute Resolution, and others.
Awards: In 1998, Amy and Arny were awarded the New Dimensions Broadcaster Award from New Dimensions Radio Network. (For vision, commitment, and contribution to humanity and the planet)
Organizational, Diversity and Conflict Work
Some of the many conflict situations A+A have facilitated in open forum, organizational and community settings (for groups, communities, universities, cities and international organizations) include:
Large Global Groups, Organizational issues.
Climate Change Issues, worldwide.
Aboriginal Land Rights Issues in Africa, Australia, the U.S. and Canada
“Terrorist”/ Freedom Fighter conflict work in Ireland, Israel, and the U.S.
Diversity issues including Black Panther themes, Latino-Anglo relationships, Israeli- Palestinian understanding, Gay rights, Revolution-tensions during pre-revolutionary times in Russia and S. Africa, Diversity issues for the U.S. Army, East Asian- Korean-Japanese-Chinese forums in the US, Japan, India, Germany, South Africa, Switzerland, and the U.K.
Sexual misconduct, power abuse and financial corruption allegations in many places including spiritual communities.
1983-Present Some of the Locations where the Mindells have worked
Australia, Adelaide, Cairns, Sydney
Austria, Salzburg, Vienna
Brazil, Fortaleza, Manaus, Rio de Janeiro
Canada, Haida Gwaii, Montreal, Vancouver
China, Shanghai
Colombia, Bogata 2015.
France, Evian, Les Bains, Paris
Germany, Berlin, Frankfurt, Wurtsburg, Hamburg
Greece, Athens
Holland, Amsterdam
India, Mumbai, Dehli.
Ireland, Belfast, Dublin
Israel, Haifa, Tel Aviv
Italy, Cisternino, Rome
Japan, Fukuoka, Kobe, Kyoto, Tokyo
Kenya, Mombasa, Nairobi
Mexico, Mexico City
Poland, Warsaw
Russia, Moscow, Rostov on Don, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk.
Slovakia, Bratislava
S. Africa, Cape Town, Johannesburg
S. Korea, Seoul
Scotland, Forres
Spain, Barcelona
Switzerland, Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Zurich
UK, Bristol, London
USA, Albuquerque, Ann Arbor, Austin, Big Sur, Boston, Boulder, Cincinnati, Dallas, D. C. , Denver, Eugene, Honolulu, Houston, L.A., Nantucket, New Orleans, NYC, Phil., Portland, Rhinebeck, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Seattle, Yachats.
(A more detailed list of their background is available upon request. Click Publications to see Amy’s five books and Arny’s 20 published in a total of 26 languages)