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Portland: Intensive Course and Classes

  • Processwork Institute, Portland 2049 Northwest Hoyt Street Portland, OR, 97209 United States (map)

Intensive Course, Amy’s Classes:

Innerwork and Creativity

(only as part of the 5 week Intensive Course)

and ————————————————————————————————————————-

Arny’s Classes

The  TAO  of   D R E A M WORK

 The  Empirical  +  Universal  Nature  of  Dreams  

and Your World Task 

2 classes to realize your own and your organization’s MYTH,

1st Dreams, and Nonlocality

 Because you and your group are in part, “dreamed up” in part by our world process, everyone needs to discover, follow and flow with 1st dreams and the dreaming process to be at home in the world. 

For the last 56 years, since I was in Zurich and later in Portland, I have worked with many thousands of dreams. At first, I worked as a Jungian analyst, then in the late 1970’s as a process-oriented therapist in at first in Zurich, then in Portland, Oregon and around the world.  I have also experienced many thousands of New Year’s Eve Dreams on Facebook. ( )

All this Dreamwork revolutionized my understanding of Life and Dreams. Dreams helped me create what we call today, “Process Oriented Psychology,” “Dreambodywork”, “Coma-work”, “Relationship and Worldwork” and more.  Now, in these 2 classes. I want to go further and

 Re-define dreams in terms of Empirical, often neglected everyday signals.


And Shows the Future for both INDIVIDUALS + ORGANIZATIONS

I will speak with love and gratitude for C.G. Jung, as well as for newer dreamwork forms I call “Flowing While Awake”. I’ll explain how process oriented dreamwork flows between the “Tao Can’t be” and “the Tao That Must Be Said” to help you feel your calling to help self and our world.

Fri, Jan 31, 3:30-6:30pm: Dreams are  Rock + Roll BODY SENSATIONS, +the Tao that must be said

Fri, Feb 7, 3:30-6:30pm:Your Group’s + our World’s  Nonlocality, Dreams, Visions

For information and registration:  


S U P E R V I S I O N   C l a s s e s

Fri. Jan 31, 7:30-9:30pm: General Supervision For All;LPlease write Arny 1 line about your case if you want case supervision

For information and registration:

Fri. Feb. 7, 7:30-9:30pm: Diplomate Supervision; Diplomates, please write Arny 1 line about your case if you want case supervision

For information and registration:

—-> Note: Community meeting at PWI Feb 9, 6:30-8pm