Found in your childhood experiences
Childhood, young adult personal and social problems partly determine your worldwork styles and gifts to help our world.
In this advanced Process Work 2nd Training Facilitation seminar, we tap into your special powers to show how these early experiences can support your personal styles and abilities today. (###Thanks for pictures, see below)
We shall tap into these styles and abilities to further empower your worldwork skills for yourself, relationships, small and large group worldwork.
We realize that socially less privileged people almost always have difficult experiences that determine their worldwork abilities. However more mainstream people have often had difficult experiences as well that create special worldwork powers.
The suffering of all children and young adults always contains special and often unknown powers to help our world.
In this seminar, we explore these special personal powers and then use “phase oriented,” 2nd Training worldwork skills to create more community for all. You will also find new Process-oriented Innerwork, Relationship and Small Group methods
Saturday Sept 7, Day 1. Your Early Process; Problems + Special Powers. New process-oriented innerwork, relationship and small group phase-methods. 10-1, and 4-7pm +Dinner and party.
Sunday Sept 8, Day 2. WorldWork “Group Interaction Wisdom” and 2nd Training Self-Exam. Your worldwork 2nd training “Interaction-Wisdom”. 10-1, 2:15-5:15pm
Where? Yachats, on the coast of Oregon (map)
Contact Dr. Jai Tomlin,
Note: Seminar content may be slightly updated
For more information
To register:
(###Thanks for the picture)
Saturday, September 7, 2019, 10- 1:00 PM and 4 -7 pm plus dinner+party
Sunday September 8, 2019 10-1, 2:15-5:15 PM
WHERE Yachats, Oregon (map)