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Inner and World Conflict

Daily News is filled with examples of how democracy is not working well. That is why we developed "Deep Democracy” in the 1980's to work with real outer world issues, using activism as well as inner experience and outer signal awareness.

Now, in this seminar, we increase the application range of Deep Democracy for inner and world conflict work, with Einstein's "General Relativity" (usingLight, and the curved nature of space and time). We will show in a simple way, how this involves shaman Don Juan's "Death Walk" and the mythic symbol, Joseph's "Coat of Many Colors." (Shaman is a term used in Northern Asia and North America for a person connected to the spirit world)

Background: Worldwork and Deep Democracy have often brought diverse groups in our world closer. Intense global issues have always been complicated by historical and international problems, by racial and class differences, sexism, homophobia, personal histories, health....and many other issues. 

"Worldwork"  for inner and large groups helped us address diversity issues in open forums, in large businesses, governments, military and terrorist situations, often creating at least moments of understanding. Such understanding was supported in part by people who were both realistic activists, and also dreamers. These people reminded us of indigenous spiritual healers, shamans, and religious leaders we have worked with around the world. 

Conflict resolution methods including social action, as well as awareness of communication signals, "ghost" roles and hot spots,  can and should be learned. But the altered states of consciousness, the dreaming and deepest essence levels of Deep Democracy  needed for sustainable relationships, require inner work as well. Though everyone is born with the same ability to dream and help the world, today, mainstream societies marginalize both the activist's realistic power and the shaman's trance-states

In this seminar, we use Einstein’s general theory of relativity for the first time, to connect with Carlos Castaneda’s sorcerer, Don Juan. This will help us be realists and also explore the altered states of consciousness to facilitate sustainable, ongoing relationships between conflicting parties. 

Our world needs a deeper democracy, and it needs you to be a new leader who is both a realist and a dreamer with a gift of a "coat of many colors".   

  Day 1 (1pm-7pm) Inner and Relationship work: How RELATIVITY and SHAMANISM Can Help Conflict Work

 Day 2. (10am-1pm, 4-7pm) Small Group Conflict Training:  Your Shaman'sLIFE WALK” ALLY for Personal and World Tension

      Day 3 (10am-1:30pm) BEETHOVEN's "God-Music" and Einstein's Space-Time Light for your life.

Contact -->Organizer: Dr. Jai Tomlin,,

or register here:

Readings from Amy's "Metaskills," Castaneda's work, Arny's "Deep Democracy of Open Forums," and "Shaman's Body" are useful, but not necessary.