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Portland Winter Classes

Intensive Course Jan 18 5:30-7pm

     Jan 19 Monday 9:30-1,3-5:30  “Intensive Course” 1st Day with A+A


Amy’s Inner Work and Creativity Classes Jan 28, Oct 4, and 11 

Creativity for the PWI Intensive Course 3-5:30


Arny’s Jan 30 -Feb13 Friday  classes Jan 30, Feb 6 and 13

==>Friday afternoon Classes 3:30-6:30<==


Process-oriented MEDITATION

and the

Origins  of Consciousness

Process-oriented Meditation or “Innerwork” touches all of life’s experiences, and is based on the Origins of Consciousness. This work can connect us to our sense of the universe.

In these 3 Inner-work classes, we will explore typical inner-work “phases” and new related methods that allow you to help yourself, connect to other people, and the world. We ask and rediscover, Who we are, What are we doing, and How to do things —without “doing” too much. 

You may experience how different forms of awareness change

your mind, body, and relationships.

  • Jan 30.   Innerwork’s Center, Typical Phases + “Not-Doing”.

  • Feb 6.   “Not-Doing” Innerwork with Recurring Problems

  • Feb 13.  Meditation and the Infinite in Relationship

Connect with  to attend face to face in Portland, or on line with SKYPE or audio download  from anywhere in the world.—-Possible but not necessary background Reading: Arny’s book, “Working On Yourself Alone”.

To register directly click:


==>Arny’s  Supervision Classes Fri. Eve 7:30-9:30pm 

  • Fri. Jan 30,   7.30-9.30 Open Supervision: severe illness, near death, 1 to 1, family, organizational work.

Open to Public, In Portland and also  Distant Learning via telephone conference, audio and/or video streaming. Contact

  • Fri.  Feb 13th 7.30-9.30 OpenSupervision: for groups, organizations, political situations and if time, with families, 1 to 1, and organizations.(and if time, illness, 1 to 1 work.)

Open to Public, In Portland and also  Distant Learning via telephone conference, audio and/or video streaming.

  • FEB 6 FRIday 7:30-9:30PM  DIPlomate Supervision

(For P.O.P.Dipls. only) For those meeting face to face, the place is at the Process Work Institute.  For diplomates joining by audio, or skype from a distance by phone, please first contact Kamisia at