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Yachats -Worldwork Facilitator Training

  • The Lion's Club 4th Street Yachats, OR, 97498 United States (map)

in Yachats, Oregon on the Oregon Coast


New 2nd Trainings For a Better + More Diverse World

based on your True Nature

A Worldwork seminar picture from Sydney

A Worldwork seminar picture from Sydney

->Learn to Use Your Dream Patterns to find your own greatest gifts

 ->Use new “Reflective Art-Powers” for yourself and diverse world communities

Facilitator 1st Trainings are about facts, figures, skills and applications.

2nd Trainings stress your own personal style of working .  

Worldwork is about working with small and large groups and organizations. In all communities, everyone has their own “special” gifts to deal with inner and outer conflicts. In this seminar we shall discover and use those gifts to facilitate a better world.

In addition to your gifts, we shall stress a powerful new, “reflective art-power” to help facilitate and resolve relationship, small and large group issues as well as world conflicts.

Expect inner work, as well as small and large group processes to reveal your facilitator-powers.

There will also be new interaction based, dynamic 2nd training assessments ----for present 2nd trainers and for everyone interested in becoming a 2nd training teacher.

Day 1.   Find and Use your Personal Power to resolve inner and world problems

Day 2.  Explore a new “Reflective Art”  to work with Conflict in small +Large Groups + Organizations

Day 3.  New 2nd TRAINING SELF EXAMS to help Everyone update their personal Facilitator Skills.

--- Contact Dr. Jai Tomlin for information

---To Register, click here

==>  Check back here for possible small updates in July.

Later Event: September 12
Arny's Fall Portland Classes