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Arny's Portland Winter Classes`

  • Process Work Institute 2049 NW Hoyt Street, Portland, OR, 97209 United States (map)


PWI's Intensive Course is from Jan 14-Feb 15 ---Amy and Arny introduce the intensive course on Jan 14+15th)

Arny's Portland Classes (for the Intensive Course, and general public) are:

New Dimensions Of The DREAMBODY


 (Our Geo-centric,  Helio-Centric, and  “Non Centric” Universe)

Geo and Heliocentric.jpg

Facts and Metaphors from Quantum Physics,  Astronomy, and Relativity, will be integrated into processwork to create expanded applications to relieve personal body and psychological problems.

We shall explore who we are in terms of our earth, sun and universe, that is in terms of “Geocentric”,  “Heliocentric” and “Non-centric” universal facts.

There will be down to earth examples and class exercises.

 Expect new dreambodywork exercises to help our symptoms and to explore our amazing lives in this universe.

Jan 26; Class 1: 330-6:30pm :  Body Symptoms; Your Geocentric + Heliocentric nature.

Feb 2; Class 2: 330-6:30pm  New Body Solutions  in a "Non-Centric" Universe (to be explained)

To attend in class in Portland, or “on-line”



Supervision Classes:

Jan 26, 7:30-9:30 SUPERVISION for all (helpers seeking support to Work on Personal, Health, Relationship, Group, Political issues, )

Feb 2 7:30-9:30 Supervision for Diplomates only (On all dimensions or ProcessWork.)

==>contact pwi@processwork.orgfor in-person and at-a-distance registration